This was a picture I took during a morning walk…It spoke to me – its simplicity, the colors, the way the light highlighted certain areas. There was an ordinariness to it that struck me and made me smile. What do you see in this picture? The way you see this most likely will be entirely different…for you would have a different perspective.
What if those times when we were convinced that life was falling apart, we could see it as really just coming together?
What if abandon ship was an opportunity to discover a new paradise?
What if one’s Achilles heel was exactly what represented what was real and genuine about a person?
What if ants in the pants was an invitation to dance with joy?
What if airing dirty laundry could be seen as a cry for help?
What if feeling all bent out of shape was really the growing pains of transformation?
What if being at the end of the rope was the beginning of a new adventure?
What if a bad hair day was a good day to wear a cute hat?
What if being between a rock and a hard place was an impetus to brainstorm?
What if having bit off more than you could chew was a chance to call on friends to help?
Perspective is a particular way of regarding something. It’s woven together with our past, present, and hopes for the future, our brokenness, our life’s experiences, our values, our desires and our memories. Each perspective is as unique as the person.
Have you ever thought about your perspective? Is it trapped in the shadows of the past? Lifted in the ideals of the future? Grounded in the reality of the present? A predominant leaning in any of these directions could be detrimental. A blend of the above is ideal. It’s all in the way we see things. We are able to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, the light in the dark, the resiliency in the getting up and trying again even if in the past we have been hurt or even if things in the present are dismal.
It’s our perspective that concretely influences our path ahead and the way we see things sets the course of how we choose to live our lives. If you change the way you look…the things you look at change.
“To change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perceptions.”
― Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People