Isn’t it fascinating how some types of lizards are able to regenerate new tails upon losing their own? Scientists have made huge headways in discovering how this process of regeneration happens in hopes that one day in the future this can be applied to humans after spinal cord injuries.
When a large scale crisis occurs within a country, we all grieve. Grieving can be likened to feeling as if one has lost a part of self. After the act of terrorism undertaken at the nightclub in Orlando, we realize just how connected we are in our grieving. We are hit with the reality of how precious life is in the midst of how unpredictable life can be.
Life is full of the unexpected. And when the unexpected happens to someone around us (death of a loved one, news of terminal illness, a failed relationship) we grieve too. We recognize the other’s loss and long to help bring regeneration into the other’s life. How can we show compassion to those that are grieving? How can we be a source of regeneration for others?
We can Reach Out. Presence is powerful and speaks volumes. We can’t shrink back from the uncomfortable with excuses of not knowing what to say.
We can Listen. We can allow the other to tell his/her story. We don’t need to have the right words or the answers.
We can Extend Hope. We can bring hope to the situation though our words, actions, prayers, and kindness.
We can Show Love. We can send a card, make a phone call , bring by dinner or do anything that says I am thinking of you.
We can Check in Over Time. There’s often a flurry of activity following a loss, but as normalcy sets in for others, the person’s life who is grieving is far from back to normal.
After loss, all go through the grieving process and although there are stages, each goes through these stages uniquely and at his/her own pace. We aren’t lizards that can grow back our own tail. But our tails can grow back anew after loss through the connected compassion of others. We are all connected; we can all be sources of regeneration.