Toward the end of our session…at that span of time us therapists fondly call doorknob confession time…
The client looked at me and said with words a bit unsure…a thread of insecurity in her tone…
“I Like Me.”
I purposely let the words hang in the room, allowing the echo to be absorbed. After months of struggle…this was one of those moments that seemed to freeze in time…a snapshot of life that doesn’t fade from the mind.
“Could you repeat that?” I said gently.
With more confidence in her voice this time, she replied,…
“I Like Me.”
“Yes”, I exclaimed halfway coming out of my chair. “Yes, Yes, Yes”…
like a cheerleader celebrating a championship win.
“Yes”, I said seriously this time. “Now the real healing can begin.”
When one can embrace the messiness of self…the imperfections, the flaws, the shortcomings as not impediments, but opportunities for growth…
When one can let go of the mask of perfectionism that hides the “not enough” mindset…
When one reaches that point where one can honestly say…
“I Like Me.”
Yes…this is when the real healing can begin.