Do you remember the playground game “Red Rover“? Two rows of children line up across from each other with hands held. One team hollers, “Red rover, red rover send _____ on over.” The named child runs and tries to break the hand held connection between two opposite team members. If she succeeds she brings the two children back to her team. If she doesn’t, she remains with the other team and joins hands. I have childhood memories of playing Red Rover…I remember the rush of adrenalin, closing my eyes and squeezing the hands of my teammates tightly as someone from the other team approached.
Isn’t life often like Red Rover? …Troubles seem to come from nowhere at breakneck speed. Yes, life is full of ups and downs and all arounds. I often think of the game Red Rover when I am first meeting with new clients. Do they have Red Rover friends?…Those people such as spouses, family members, friends, or co-workers to support them in their time of need? It’s an important question for the therapist to ask. Why? Because a positive support in the up, down, and all around times helps to bear the burden. Our own resiliency is strengthened by the encouraging words and the presence of those by our side. They can give input when our own thoughts are jumbled. They can make us laugh when we really just want to cry. They have our back. And sometimes they don’t have to say anything at all but just be with us, and that in itself speaks volumes.
We are all people of connection. If you are thinking, I don’t know if I have any Red Rover friends in my life right now. Take a look around you…you may be surprised. And simply put…are you lacking Red Rover friends in your life?…Then be a Red Rover friend to others. When was the last time you thanked those Red Rover friends in your life?