I was speaking to a clinical sports physiologist I know and he shared that in his opinion too many people are going through life just getting by. People are surviving, but not thriving. He teaches people how to thrive and it’s his passion. Don’t his words echo what we all hope for?…Dream about?…thriving!
Thriving is linked to the character strength zest, vitality, or approaching life with enthusiasm or as an adventure. It is key to living a life of fulfillment. It’s easy to spot a zestful person…they are energetic, perky, high on life, peppy. Studies have found that zestful people are happier employees. They tend to be more engaged and committed. They are motivated by the meaning that comes from their work. Studies have also found that zestful children have less anxiety, depression, and feelings of inferiority.
So you may be thinking…I do feel as if I am just getting by in life. No worries…zest can be cultivated. How? Listen to your body’s needs – eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Savor the events and experiences in your life. Allow your senses to be fully engaged. Practice optimism by feeling hopeful. Connect with others. Enjoy getting out in nature. All of these practices have been found to strengthen zest.
I love this quote by Maya Angelou, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Go out into your day…in your own unique, zestful style…the world needs such people of passion!