There is an old German custom that the last decoration to be added to the Christmas tree is a pickle, hidden deep within the boughs of the tree. Whoever finds the hidden pickle on Christmas Day is said to be gifted with abundant blessings of good fortune for the year ahead.
This time of the year there are many traditions, and they are much more important than merely putting up with Aunt Jean’s yearly green bean casserole and Uncle James’ wearing an elf hat in all the family photos. Traditions strengthen family bonds and build memories. Traditions can make us smile, laugh, or groan, but these special, unique things done on a regular basis, particularly around the holidays, add up to healthier families. Why?
-Traditions create a strong sense of belonging within the family. Traditions create bonds.
-Traditions teach the family’s values to all its members. They communicate a family’s belief system.
-Traditions help to reinforce a stronger personal identity. Each member understands more fully their role within the family and this fosters a sense of stability and security.
-Traditions encourage a passing down of family heritage and deepens family history.
Recently at a luncheon the topic of holiday traditions within the family came up. There was a lot of laughing as animated stories of family traditions were shared. It struck me how excited people get to tell of their traditions. Have you taken the time to reflect on your own family’s holiday traditions? Those one of kind traditions that no one in the family really knows how they started, but are repeated year after year? I imagine right now you are smiling to yourself. And if you cannot readily think of any family holiday traditions…it’s never too late to begin new ones.
So…want a healthy family? Go hide a pickle in your tree!