The Family Counseling Center offers counseling for individuals, couples, and families dealing with stress, domestic violence, marital strains, divorce, parenting challenges, and any other everyday life issue that can arise. Involvement with schools, families, and the community is a critical part of how FCC functions.
We use these programs to change a lifetime of behaviors by offering therapeutic solutions for life’s biggest stressors.
Children Coping with Divorce: A 4-hour educational program for parents who are going through a divorce and ways to support their children during and after the divorce process.
END (Establishing Non-Violent Directions): A 23-week Court mandated anger management/domestic violence intervention program for women.
JAM (Juvenile Anger Management): We work closely with Strickland Youth Center and Mobile Police Department’s FIT Team in offering services and referrals to them and the community for youth who are expressing their pain and trauma through anger.
Choices & Consequences: A 20-week court mandated course in The City of Mobile for people who have committed non-violent offenses.
C.A.R.E. is in the connection.
Through Counseling, Advocacy, Referrals, and Education we believe in connecting with every individual in our community to the best trained and licensed therapists who are committed to establishing the best therapeutic care processes that are necessary to change lives.
The CARE we Provide Through Counseling:
Anger Management
Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault
Gun Violence
Grief and Loss
Burnout and Stress
Coping Skills
Conflict Resolution
& More!
Getting high- quality therapeutic services start with access. At Lifelines we accept most insurances, and we even offer a wide variety of assistance to those who might not be able to afford or access therapeutic services elsewhere but are in absolute need.
Call us today to see if you qualify for assistance and how you can get started on your journey to therapeutic wellness today, 251-602-0909!
Affiliated with • Alliance of Information and Referral Systems • Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children • United Way of Southwest Alabama